Data Security projects

Organizations relying on computerized processes as their core business activity must expand and grow their IT infrastructure, to tailor their computer systems’ functionality to their business environment and consequently, to safeguard their entire valuable data from hackers and cyberattacks.

The challenge:

Data security infrastructure comprising of a comprehensive solution for the organization’s business requirements, in line with its ecosystem.

The solution:

  • Top to bottom project management of establishing an entirely new data security array for organizations and companies
  • Introducing best of breed solutions by the world’s top data security vendors.


Project management and execution in accordance with advanced management methodologies, according to the following stages:

  • Studying the client’s demands and understanding them along with its requirements, as well as potential threats, relevant data security risks
  • High level design for comprehensive data security solution – jointly with the client.
  • Commercial process complete with bid and quote, agreement, mutual expectations, timetables and deliveries per milestone.
  • Execution: providing hardware, installation and end user licenses.
  • Completion of Acceptance Test and Interoperability Test when relevant, jointly with the client.
  • Delivery complete with training, certification, documentation and feedback.
  • Transfer to maintenance service.

We at Spider Solutions have over 15 years of practical experience in planning complex data security arrays and installing them. Among our providers and business partners are the world’s largest and leading hardware and software vendors.